One on One
Childbirth & Postpartum Preparation Course
5 x 2hrs Online + 1 x In-person (Or 6 x 2hrs Online)
Preparing for birth and for life after birth are equally important.
My 1 on 1 childbirth and postpartum preparation classes will support you and your partner for creating a birthing experience and a journey of becoming parents that are informed and empowered.
Price for Couple : 425 €
Childbirth Preparation
I will help you understand and learn:
Fetal positions and stations
Stages of labor
Labor hormones
Labor positions
Comfort measures (physical & emotional
Medical interventions and pain management
Cesarean birth & VBAC
Recognize violence within medical institutions and how to prevent it
To make a birth choice map and self advocacy

Postpartum Preparation
I will assist you in learning:
Postpartum self care (emotional & physical)
Becoming parents
Newborn appearances & things to watch for
Newborn hygiene
Sleep safety
Breast feeding, bottle feeding and other options
Breast care